How Often Do You Need AC maintenance?

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Regular AC maintenance in Largo is important for the lifespan of your unit. Most people don’t realize that air conditioners normally lose around 5% of their efficiency each year that the unit runs. Without the proper upkeep, you could end up paying major repair bills or having to replace your entire unit altogether.

Regular Maintenance

AC maintenance depends on the part of the system that needs upkeep. Air filters normally need to be replaced at least once a month and help your heating and cooling system in your unit function at peak efficiency all the while improving the indoor air quality. Coils should also be inspected and changed every 90 days; these can be cleaned by one of our specialized technicians.

Professional Recommendations

The time between care on your unit in your Largo home depends on how old the system is.

Keep Your House Cool with Total Air

Here at Total Air in Largo, we’re available to make sure your unit is working as efficiently as possible. The best time to schedule an appointment is when you least expect you’ll need it. No one wants to wake up on a hot summer morning with no air conditioning!

Our technicians have access to professional equipment, are knowledgeable on industry standards, and up keeping all different types of air conditioning models. With over 20 years in the industry, Total Air is the preferred company for AC maintenance in the Largo area. For timely service, give us a call today at 727-822-7700.

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