4 Facts You May Not Have Known About Air Conditioning

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Air conditioning is something we as Americans often take for granted. We’re able to stay cool inside our homes during the summer months whereas great-great-grandparents weren’t so lucky. Yet air conditioning has a number of interesting facts about it besides its ability to keep us cool.

  1. Air conditioning wasn’t created for homes
    The first air conditioner was designed by an engineer in 1902 for the use of his printing plant, not for keeping him cool during the dog days.
  2. Air conditioning has improved Southern economy
    Before the age of air conditioning, the industry of the South operated according to the sun. According to The Washington Post, “Before air-conditioning, American life followed seasonal cycles determined by weather. Workers’ productivity declined in direct proportion to the heat and humidity outside — and on the hottest days employees left work early and businesses shut their doors.” The introduction of air conditioning allowed workers to keep working throughout the day rather than stopping due to the risk of heatstroke and dehydration.
  3. Air conditioning allows you to move wherever you’d like
    According to the American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the standard human comfort range for light clothing during the summer months are between 35% and 60% relative humidity and between 72 and 78 degrees. Yet nature doesn’t listen to our preferred temperatures.

    Depending on the state you live in, the summer temperatures of the state you want to move to may be unbearable. Fortunately, air conditioning installation has rendered that oppressive heat unoppressive and you can now move to any number of western and southern states in the United States without worrying about discomfort.
  4. Air conditioning repair and replacement is necessary
    Without a history of asthma, obesity, or respiratory disease, experiencing breathing difficulties may seem strange. If your air conditioner is forced-air and is older than 15 years, it may be time to call an air conditioning repair company. Without routine maintenance and the occasional AC repair your air conditioner may build up dust in its filters and fans resulting in the blowing of dust, hair, and allergens into the airspace of your home. Proper air conditioning repair will keep your air conditioner running to the best of its ability and will also keep you from suffering from airborne illnesses.

Air conditioners allow us to do a myriad of things while remaining comfortable in our homes, workspaces, and recreational spaces. They’re not to be taken for granted and should be routinely maintained and repaired not only to protect our health but to protect the health of the planet. The coolant released from air conditioners can have a detrimental affect on the ozone layer. When your air conditioner has run its course seek a professional’s help in having it replaced and disposing of it properly.

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