Air Conditioning Maintenance Over the Winter: 4 Reasons Why It’s Important

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Approximately two-thirds of all homes in the U.S. have air conditioners. Additionally, about 20% of all the homes that were constructed during the 1980s have air conditioning equipment that is at least 20 years old or older. Even though summer has passed and we're in for some colder weather throughout the next few months, it's important to stay on top of air conditioning maintenance -- even while they are not in use.


Here are some of the main reasons why you should still implement regular air conditioning maintenance over the winter:


  • Save money later on -- Regular AC maintenance can benefit plenty of U.S. homes, as only 42% of those using AC units have them serviced annually. It'll cost a lot more for emergency AC repair services later on, so you might as well schedule some inspection and repair services during the down months of winter.


  • Ensure summer comfort -- Though the warm weather seems like it’s years away, the summer will be here before you know it. If you don’t contact an AC repair company to take a look at your air conditioning units over the winter, you and your family might end up being extremely uncomfortable during that first summer heatwave if your AC unit isn’t functioning properly.


  • Prevent serious home damages -- In 2010, air conditioning, fans, and related equipment were involved in an estimated 7,400 reported U.S. home structure fires. Regular AC maintenance and repair services can prevent these fires and keep your home safe.


  • Improve home energy efficiencies -- Replacing AC equipment -- especially components that are more than 15 years old -- can result in significant energy savings. Air conditioners use roughly 5% of all the electricity produced throughout the U.S., at an annual cost of more than $11 billion to homeowners. Ensuring these units are working properly and efficiency is extremely important for property owners across the country.



Just because it’s the winter and you’re not thinking about staying cool, don’t neglect your air conditioning maintenance this winter. If you want to work with a trusted air conditioner repair service, give Total Air Inc. a call right away!


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